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Last updated on 20 Oct 2022

Shareholders in Allocation:

51  (51.00%)
Michael LEE
30 Kilkelly Avenue, Pinehill, Auckland, 0632 , New Zealand

30  (30.00%)
Junbin QIU
Flat 4, 1b Henry Street, Avondale, Auckland, 1026 , New Zealand

19  (19.00%)
Tao LI
16 Namsan Close, Fairview Heights, Auckland, 0632 , New Zealand
Share allocations less than 1% are not displayed in the graph above.

(This may not be a complete list of historic shareholders for this company. Every company is required to maintain its own share register that records the company's shares and shareholder details. To obtain a complete list of historic shareholders please contact the company directly.)

Michael LEE
12 Oct 2020
Generated on Sunday, 28 April 2024 22:12:54 NZST

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